そのビルのタワー・レコードで久しぶりにcdを買った。一つはジャクリーヌ・デュ・プレの、エルガーとディーリアスのチェロ協奏曲。お目当てはもちろん、ディーリアスを聴きたかったから。もう一つは810円の安売りで売っていた、アイヴズのオーケストラ作品集。アイヴズ(1874~1954)はアメリカの作曲家。そのなかのThe Unanswered Qestionという曲を何回も聴いた。タワーレコードが企画販売したCDでBMG JAPAN制作、その解説(宮澤賢哉)は次のようにこの曲のことを記している。
これを読んでいて、泣きたいほどもどかしい解説であると思った。わめきたくなるといったほうが正確かも。でもこんなのに文句をつけるのはよそう。私が言いたいのは“ ”の引用のことである、どういうことか、すごく知りたくなるのに、なにも言ってないと等しい。どこからの引用ですか?存在の永遠の質問とは?預言者ドルイド僧などについて、激しく知りたくなるのに、宮澤さんは何も書いてくれない。「最後には平静な孤独の中に沈黙が訪れる」、よく言うよ。これはどういうことですか?意味不明の文だ。平静な孤独?
○ Ives had composed two symphonies, but it is with The Unanswered Question (1908), written for the highly unusual combination of trumpet, four flutes, and string orchestra, that he established the mature sonic world that would become his signature style. The strings (located offstage) play very slow, chorale-like music throughout the piece while on several occasions the trumpet (positioned behind the audience) plays a short motif that Ives described as "the eternal question of existence". Each time the trumpet is answered with increasingly shrill outbursts from the flutes (onstage) — apart from the last: The Unanswered Question. The piece is typical Ives — it juxtaposes various disparate elements, it appears to be driven by a narrative never fully revealed to the audience, and it is tremendously mysterious. It has become one of his more popular works.[12] Leonard Bernstein even borrowed its title for his Charles Eliot Norton Lectures in 1973, noting that he always thought of the piece as a musical question, not a metaphysical one.
○ Starting around 1910 Ives would begin composing his most accomplished works including the "Holidays Symphony" and arguably his best-known piece "Three Places in New England". Ives' mature works of this era would eventually compare with the two other great musical innovators at the time (Schoenberg and Stravinsky) making the case that Ives was the 3rd great innovator of early 20th century composition. Arnold Schoenberg himself would compose a brief poem near the end of his life honoring Ives.
Pieces such as The Unanswered Question were almost certainly influenced by the New England transcendentalist writers Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.[8] These were important influences to Ives, as he acknowledged in his Piano Sonata No. 2: Concord, Mass., 1840–60 (1909–15), which he described as an "impression of the spirit of transcendentalism that is associated in the minds of many with Concord, Mass., of over a half century ago...undertaken in impressionistic pictures of Emerson and Thoreau, a sketch of the Alcotts, and a scherzo supposed to reflect a lighter quality which is often found in the fantastic side of Hawthorne."
それに、一つ気づいたのが、Charles Ivesは起業家であり保険業界でも有名な経済人であった。詩人のWallace Stevens(1879-1955)も保険会社の仕事を死ぬまで勤めた。同時代人であり、同じ職に就いていた二人には何らかの交流があったにちがいない。そして、この二人とも、彼らの本業のspare timeに一方は作曲し、一方は詩作した。そしてともに、モダンな作風をアメリカにもたらした。そういうことをもっと知りたいと思った。
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