


Dear Mr. Mizushima,

I should have written before – when you sounded sad; when wild roses were in bloom in Central Park; when you shared a moving thought with us on your blog; when I fell in love with Shakespeare because Hamlet played in the park, as a Manhattan skyline faded into summer dusk, was so ethereally beautiful; when the class of 2008, your last students, graduated with so much affection toward you; when a 14-billion dollar deal, on which I worked for over a year, closed; when you began your new adventure, teaching what you love to college students; when I walked across Brooklyn Bridge with my young colleagues on the first warm day of the year, feeling quite young myself; when your translation of an English poem was particularly good;when Lehman Brothers collapsed; when I learned that your father-in-law had passed away; when I spent one blissful week with old friends at their home in southern California overlooking the Pacific Ocean; when you were coping with the void left by your father-in-law . . . . I should have written to you before.

It has been snowing all day in New York City, and the City that has lost its confidence, feels unusually somber despite colors and lights, trimming windows, buildings, trees along the avenues and the 72-foot Norway spruce at Rockefeller Center. It is less than a week before Christmas, and it is rather quiet. And for the first time in almost two years, I have time to think thoughts not relating to my “deals” long enough – long enough to actually write to you. I do not have one coherent thought, a theme, to write about after such a long absence.
So, I will just say I am very sorry that I did not write before.


(December 19, 2008)



3 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

I want also once to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, on the first day of the new year, looking at the sun taking steps of thee.

匿名 さんのコメント...
ban さんのコメント...

