portrait of Gertrude Stein(1874-1946) by Pablo Picaso 1906
(The Metrpolitan Museum of Art, New York)
A change, a final change includes potatoes. This is no authority for the abuse of cheese. What language can instruct any fellow.
A shining breakfast, a breakfast shining, no dispute, no practice, nothing, nothing at all.
A sudden slice changes the whole plate, it does so suddenly.
An imitation, more imitation, imitation succeed imitations.
"Tender buttons"より
今日はGertrude Stein(1874-1946)のことを主に授業で喋った。課題創作の講評と相互批評のない授業にあたるので、90分こちらが用意して喋ることになる。Steinはヘミングウェイたちパリ滞在のアメリカの若い作家や詩人たちに向かって、"You are all a lost generation".と言った名文句ばかりが有名で、彼女の作品がどういうものか、専門家以外にはあまり話題にのぼったことのない作家だと思う。実際私自身も、今回山の上の高校の図書館でふと眼にした、ウイルソン夏子という人の簡単なGertrude Steinの伝記を手にし、急に彼女の作品を読みたくなり、いろいろ探して、その入口を覗いたにすぎない。でも、とてもおもしろい。そのおもしろさは、なにか未知の岩盤にぶつかって、普通なら痛いといってすぐ引き返すのだが、その岩盤には不思議な光と柔らかさまであって、それに触れると、自分の普段の動きのすべてが一齣一齣高速度撮影(古い比喩だ)で拡大され、時間が止まってしまうようで、あらゆることがその裸をさらさざるを得なくなるような触感がして、そこに立ち止まらざるをえない、というおもしろさなのである。文学ではなく、繰り返されることから生まれる呪文(incantation)である。
Repeating then is always coming out of every one, always in the repeating of every one and coming out of them there is a little changing. There is always then repeating in all the millions of each kind of men and women, there is repeating then in all of each kind of men and women, there is repeating then in all of them of each kind of them but in every one of each kind of them the repeating is a little changing. Each one has in him his own history inside him, it is in him in his own repeating, in his way of having repeating come out from him, every one then has the history in him, sometime then there will be a history of every one; each one has in her her own history inside her, it is in her in her own repeating in her way of having repeating come out from her , every one then has the history in her, sometime then there will be a history of every one. Sometime then there will be a history of every kind of them every kind of men and women with every way there ever was or is or will be repeating of each kind of them.
"The Making of Americans"より
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